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Table of Contents
All modules of adhocracy+ at a glance
The participants can submit their own ideas and discuss the ideas of others.
Examples: Which topics should be discussed in the next team meeting? What are your ideas for our district?
Brainstorming with map
The participants can enter their own ideas on a card and discuss the ideas of others.
Examples: Where in the neighbourhood should Car-Sharing points be set up? Where in the city is cycling too dangerous?
Idea Challenge
In a first phase, participants can submit their own ideas and discuss the ideas of others. In a second phase the ideas are evaluated (for/against).
Examples: Which projects should be financed in the next funding period? What should we do at the Christmas party?
Idea Challenge with map
In a first phase, participants can enter their own ideas on a card and discuss the ideas of others. In a second phase the ideas are evaluated (for/against).
Examples: Who cares for the most beautiful tree and should receive the environmental award for this? Which of these sustainable project ideas in Germany should receive the Community Award?
Text Review
The participants can discuss a set text paragraph by paragraph that you have previously added.
Examples: What is your opinion on our proposal for a new mission statement? What is your opinion on this bill?
Participants can answer open and multiple choice questions and comment on the poll.
Examples: How satisfied are they with the city's mobility offers? Which of the four slogans that have been worked out should become the new one?
Participatory Budgeting
Participants can enter their own suggestions on a card and provide a budget. The ideas of others can be discussed and evaluated (for/against).
Examples: Which projects for the neighbourhood or the city should be financed with public money?
Interactive Event
The participants of an event can ask their questions live online. Other participants can support the question. You as moderator can sort the questions by support and affiliation.
Examples: What is your question to the speakers or discussants on stage?
The participants can discuss and evaluate (for/against) the ideas and topics you have put forward. Participants cannot add ideas and topics.
Examples: What is your opinion on the four scenarios for traffic planning and which one do you prefer? What is your opinion on these 10 guiding principles for our association?
Debate Module
Participants can discuss one or more posted topics or questions. To structure the debate, responses are categorised and can be searched, sorted and filtered.
Examples: Should Tegel Airport be closed? Should our association focus more strategically on young people?