The moderators you appoint should accompany the discussion and - where necessary - intervene. Moderators should ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct. It determines what kind of comments are not allowed on adhocracy+: commercial content is just as much a part of this as inhuman content and copyright violations. To protect participants, the moderator should also keep an eye on personal data that may have been published unintentionally.
In addition, the moderator should answer questions regarding content and procedures. In more complex discussions, it is useful to ensure that contributions are placed in the right places or in the right categories so that the different strands of the discussion are clear and can be found.
A number of moderation functions are available on adhocracy+. Contributions of the moderation are automatically marked. It is also possible to give official feedback or to indicate the processing status of an idea by means of a traffic light. The moderation note helps the moderator to keep an overview.