====== All modules of adhocracy+ at a glance ===== ===== Brainstorming ===== {{:de:quickstart:icon_brainstorming_a_.png?200|}} The participants can submit their own ideas and discuss the ideas of others. **Examples**: Which topics should be discussed in the next team meeting? What are your ideas for our district? ===== Brainstorming with map ===== {{:de:quickstart:icon_spatialideacollection_a_.png?200|}} The participants can enter their own ideas on a card and discuss the ideas of others. **Examples**: Where in the neighbourhood should Car-Sharing points be set up? Where in the city is cycling too dangerous? ===== Idea Challenge ===== {{:de:quickstart:icon_agendasetting_a_.png?200|}} In a first phase, participants can submit their own ideas and discuss the ideas of others. In a second phase the ideas are evaluated (for/against). **Examples**: Which projects should be financed in the next funding period? What should we do at the Christmas party? ===== Idea Challenge with map ===== {{:de:quickstart:icons_spatialchallenge_a_.png?200|}} In a first phase, participants can enter their own ideas on a card and discuss the ideas of others. In a second phase the ideas are evaluated (for/against). **Examples**: Who cares for the most beautiful tree and should receive the environmental award for this? Which of these sustainable project ideas in Germany should receive the Community Award? ===== Text Review ===== {{:de:quickstart:icon_textcommenting_a_.png?200|}} The participants can discuss a set text paragraph by paragraph that you have previously added. **Examples**: What is your opinion on our proposal for a new mission statement? What is your opinion on this bill? ===== Poll ===== {{:de:quickstart:icon_poll_a_.png?200|}} Participants can answer open and multiple choice questions and comment on the poll. Initiators can choose whether to allow participants to take part without registering. [[en:quickstart:faq:registration:poll|Learn more.]] **Examples**: How satisfied are they with the city's mobility offers? Which of the four slogans that have been worked out should become the new one? ===== Participatory Budgeting ===== {{:de:quickstart:icon_buergerhaushalt_a_.png?200|}} Participants can enter their own suggestions on a card and provide a budget. The ideas of others can be discussed and evaluated (for/against). **Examples**: Which projects for the neighbourhood or the city should be financed with public money? ===== Interactive Event ====== {{:de:quickstart:icon_livediscussion_a_.png?200|}} The participants of an event can ask their questions live online. Other participants can support the question. You as moderator can sort the questions by support and affiliation. **Examples**: What is your question to the speakers or discussants on stage? ===== Prioritization ===== {{:de:quickstart:icon_priorization_a_.png?200|}} The participants can discuss and evaluate (for/against) the ideas and topics you have put forward. Participants cannot add ideas and topics. **Examples**: What is your opinion on the four scenarios for traffic planning and which one do you prefer? What is your opinion on these 10 guiding principles for our association? ===== Debate Module ===== {{:en:quickstart:icon_debate_a_.png?200|}} Participants can discuss one or more posted topics or questions. To structure the debate, responses are categorised and can be searched, sorted and filtered. **Examples:** Should Tegel Airport be closed? Should our association focus more strategically on young people? [[en:start:initiatorguide|< go back]]